I have hit upon the same problem as this thread, but I didn't see a resolution.

It seems that in Struts 1.0, there must be an ActionForm for every page that has a 
form in it -- or, indeed, an ActionForm for every form, including one for each form on 
a page.  

I had thought that I could have an Action class that would read the FORM parameters 
directly, but that I would not need an ActionForm for each screen.  

(One of the goals for Struts 1.1 seems to address this.)

Is the above correct, or am I missing something?


Bill Firestone

At 03:09 PM 4/30/2001 +0530, Tewathia, Atul wrote:
>I feel there is some problem.
>I tried the same thing but I get the following error on console. It shows
>that it is trying to instantiate a form bean corresponding to an action
>mapping. And if i am not specifying one it gives an error. How do I handle
>this situation when I don't need a form ???
>OneForm instantiated
>TwoaeForm instantiated
>TwokeyForm instantiated
><Apr 13, 2001 2:54:59 PM GMT+05:30> <Error> <HTTP>
>,threeoseven)] Root cause of ServletException
>javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot retrieve definition for form bean
>        at org.apache.struts.taglib.html.FormTag.lookup(FormTag.java:725)
>        at
>        at jsp_servlet._two._jspService(_two.java:345)
>        at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase.service(JspBase.java:27)
>        at
>the config.xml used by me is here ...
>  <form-beans>
>    <form-bean name="oneForm" type="org.apache.struts.myprog.OneForm"/>
>    <form-bean name="twokeyForm"
>    <form-bean name="twoaeForm" type="org.apache.struts.myprog.TwoaeForm"/>
>  </form-beans>
>  <action-mappings>
>    <action path="/One" type="org.apache.struts.myprog.OneAction"
>        <forward name="Two" path="/Two.jsp" />
>    </action>
>    <action path="/Twoae" type="org.apache.struts.myprog.TwoAction"
>        <forward name="Three" path="/Three.jsp" />
>    </action>
>    <action path="/Twokey" type="org.apache.struts.myprog.TwoAction"
>        <forward name="Three" path="/Three.jsp" />
>    </action>
>    <action path="/Twoprev" type="org.apache.struts.myprog.TwoAction">
>        <forward name="One" path="/One.jsp" />
>    </action>
>  </action-mappings>
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Tobias Meyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 4:17 PM
>Subject: RE: No ActionForm Bean Required
>Hi Stanley,
>> Let's say I have a link that allows a user to empty his/her shopping
>> cart.  The link to empty the cart points to "/empty.do".  I
>> do not believe
>> this requires an ActionForm bean (PLEASE, correct me if I am
>> wrong).  Nonetheless, I have specified an ActionForm Bean
>> because it is
>> required:
>>      <action path="/empty"
>>              type="EmptyAction"
>>              name="buyBean"
>>              scope="request">
>>          <forward name="success" path="/viewcart.jsp"/>
>>      </action>
>> The bean is NOT used and has nothing to do with emptying the shopping
>> cart.  Do I just accept that it works?  Or am I designing the program
>> wrong?  Please help.
>You don't have to specifiy an ActionForm if you don't need one.
>Watch the LogoffAction in the example shipped with struts:
><!-- Process a user logoff -->
><action path="/logoff"
>        type="org.apache.struts.example.LogoffAction">
>        <forward name="success"              path="/index.jsp"/>
>Hope this helps,
>Tobias Meyer 

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