On Mon, 18 Jun 2001, Peter Alfors wrote:

> You do not need an ActionForm.  You can read straight from the form
> parameters in your action class as you mentioned.

Yes, you can definitely do this.  Of course, you give up the automatic
stuff that Struts does for you (calling reset(), populating the
properties, and calling validate()) in this case.

> Pete


> Bill Firestone wrote:
> > I have hit upon the same problem as this thread, but I didn't see a resolution.
> >
> > It seems that in Struts 1.0, there must be an ActionForm for every page that has a 
>form in it -- or, indeed, an ActionForm for every form, including one for each form 
>on a page.
> >
> > I had thought that I could have an Action class that would read the FORM 
>parameters directly, but that I would not need an ActionForm for each screen.
> >
> > (One of the goals for Struts 1.1 seems to address this.)
> >
> > Is the above correct, or am I missing something?
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > Bill Firestone
> >
> > At 03:09 PM 4/30/2001 +0530, Tewathia, Atul wrote:
> > >I feel there is some problem.
> > >I tried the same thing but I get the following error on console. It shows
> > >that it is trying to instantiate a form bean corresponding to an action
> > >mapping. And if i am not specifying one it gives an error. How do I handle
> > >this situation when I don't need a form ???
> > >
> > >OneForm instantiated
> > >TwoaeForm instantiated
> > >TwokeyForm instantiated
> > ><Apr 13, 2001 2:54:59 PM GMT+05:30> <Error> <HTTP>
> > ><[WebAppServletContext(446938
> > >,threeoseven)] Root cause of ServletException
> > >javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot retrieve definition for form bean
> > >null
> > >        at org.apache.struts.taglib.html.FormTag.lookup(FormTag.java:725)
> > >        at
> > >org.apache.struts.taglib.html.FormTag.doStartTag(FormTag.java:441)
> > >        at jsp_servlet._two._jspService(_two.java:345)
> > >        at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase.service(JspBase.java:27)
> > >        at
> > >weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(ServletStubIm
> > >
> > >the config.xml used by me is here ...
> > >
> > ><struts-config>
> > >  <form-beans>
> > >    <form-bean name="oneForm" type="org.apache.struts.myprog.OneForm"/>
> > >    <form-bean name="twokeyForm"
> > >type="org.apache.struts.myprog.TwokeyForm"/>
> > >    <form-bean name="twoaeForm" type="org.apache.struts.myprog.TwoaeForm"/>
> > >  </form-beans>
> > >  <action-mappings>
> > >    <action path="/One" type="org.apache.struts.myprog.OneAction"
> > >name="oneForm">
> > >        <forward name="Two" path="/Two.jsp" />
> > >    </action>
> > >    <action path="/Twoae" type="org.apache.struts.myprog.TwoAction"
> > >name="twoaeForm">
> > >        <forward name="Three" path="/Three.jsp" />
> > >    </action>
> > >    <action path="/Twokey" type="org.apache.struts.myprog.TwoAction"
> > >name="twokeyForm">
> > >        <forward name="Three" path="/Three.jsp" />
> > >    </action>
> > >    <action path="/Twoprev" type="org.apache.struts.myprog.TwoAction">
> > >        <forward name="One" path="/One.jsp" />
> > >    </action>
> > >  </action-mappings>
> > ></struts-config>
> > >
> > >
> > >-----Original Message-----
> > >From: Tobias Meyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > >Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 4:17 PM
> > >Subject: RE: No ActionForm Bean Required
> > >
> > >
> > >Hi Stanley,
> > >
> > >> Let's say I have a link that allows a user to empty his/her shopping
> > >> cart.  The link to empty the cart points to "/empty.do".  I
> > >> do not believe
> > >> this requires an ActionForm bean (PLEASE, correct me if I am
> > >> wrong).  Nonetheless, I have specified an ActionForm Bean
> > >> because it is
> > >> required:
> > >>
> > >>      <action path="/empty"
> > >>              type="EmptyAction"
> > >>              name="buyBean"
> > >>              scope="request">
> > >>          <forward name="success" path="/viewcart.jsp"/>
> > >>      </action>
> > >>
> > >> The bean is NOT used and has nothing to do with emptying the shopping
> > >> cart.  Do I just accept that it works?  Or am I designing the program
> > >> wrong?  Please help.
> > >
> > >You don't have to specifiy an ActionForm if you don't need one.
> > >Watch the LogoffAction in the example shipped with struts:
> > >
> > ><!-- Process a user logoff -->
> > ><action path="/logoff"
> > >        type="org.apache.struts.example.LogoffAction">
> > >        <forward name="success"              path="/index.jsp"/>
> > ></action>
> > >
> > >Hope this helps,
> > >
> > >Tobias Meyer

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