I have an array beans which I am trying to use to build up a dynamic form.
The bean has 3 properties DisplayName, id and value. 

The id property is the unique identifier that corresponds to the name of the
HTML input field.
The value property contains the value of the HTML text field.
The displayName property contains the name that should be displayed next to
the form field.

so... I iterate through the array and build up the form

<logic:iterate id="searchField" type="package.SearchField" 
name="<%=Constants.SEARCH_FIELD_KEY %>">
name="searchField"property="displayName" /></td>
                                <td><html:text name="searchField"property="id" /></td>

which produces this output ...

        <td><input type="text" name="id" value="FIRSTNAME"></td>
        <td><input type="text" name="id" value="LASTNAME"></td>

but... the HTML name attribute is always "id" which means that I can't
identify the individual fields.
I want the name attribute of the HTML input field to be the value stored in
beans id property!

n.b. I have no control over what the search fields may be. I just have to
handle whatever I get.

Any ideas??



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