"Erik Hatcher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > But I still can access the form bean in scriplet, only the scriplet is
> > more complicated and error prone. And when so many other structs tags
> > define scriplet varibales, why should not <html:form> do it too?
> No arguments here.   It certainly could.... and it would be a fairly easy
> modification for it to do so.
> Perhaps you could post a use-case for why you need it.   If you convinced
> enough I'd make the changes and submit them as a patch for consideration
> the struts-dev group.  Or you could make the changes yourself.
>     Erik

OK. I will do it tomorrow. But I am quite new to struts, and have no
with sumbitting code to open source projects, I just will send the modified
code to you, if you agree.

And if I don't convice you, I'll be happy to learn more strutsy way to do
thing :-)


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