> A little.  Can you give a simple example?  I'm not sure what your
definitions of
> "is based on" and "specified 'inline with reference to..." are, and I
think some
>   code might clarify them for me.

I've left out all the directives for the taglibs, but each file needs the
tiles prefix to be defined just like normal.

A template might be defined as
----start  "standardPage.jsp"----
    <TITLE><tiles:getAsString name="title"/>
        <IMG src="logo.gif"/>

        <DIV align="center">
            <tiles:getAsString name="body"/>

Then, to "call" template, you might have this:
----start "example1.jsp"----
<tiles:insert template="standardPage.jsp">
    <tiles:put name="title" value="Home Page">
    <tiles:put name="body">
            <B>Welcome to our HomePage</B>
            We can do all sorts of things in here, including using tags:
<bean:write name="foo" property="bar">

So, essentially, example1.jsp calles standardPage.jsp with two "arguments".

The specified "inline" is that all the information unique to "example1.jsp"
is IN example1.jsp.  None of the tags refer to external pages like much of
the tiles documentation seems to show, where you might have <tiles:put
name="body" value="example1_body.jsp">

The "is based on", could be applied in this way.  example1.jsp is based on
standardPage.jsp. It simply identifies what template is being used.  In my
case, and to see nesting, you'd need more:

--start "standardList.jsp"----
<tiles:insert template="standardPage.jsp">
    <tiles:put name="title"><tiles:getAsString name="title/></tiles:put>
    <tiles:put name="body">
            <table border="6" background="silver">
                <tiles:getAsString name="listBody"/>


----start exampleList.jsp"----
<tiles:insert template="standardPage.jsp">
    <tiles:put name="title" value="Home Page">
    <tiles:put name="listBody">
> Sorry to be asking for the hand-holding - I've been frustrated by this for
> couple of days and there seem to be no examples of doing this kind of
> which I find amazing.

No problem.  I spent several days beating on tiles myself, before I got to
where I am.  And now I find out that this *nothing* like was intended by the
author :)

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