David Corbin wrote:

> --start "standardList.jsp"----
> <tiles:insert template="standardPage.jsp">
>     <tiles:put name="title"><tiles:getAsString name="title/></tiles:put>
>     <tiles:put name="body">
>             <table border="6" background="silver">
>                 <tiles:getAsString name="listBody"/>
>             </table>
>     </tiles:put>
> </tiles:insert>
> ----end----
> and
> ----start exampleList.jsp"----
> <tiles:insert template="standardPage.jsp">
>     <tiles:put name="title" value="Home Page">
>     <tiles:put name="listBody">
>             <TR>
>                     <TD>Row1</TD>
>             </TR>
>             <TR>
>                     <TD>Row2</TD>
>             </TR>
>     </tiles:put>
> </tiles:insert>
> ----end----

Super! This is exactly the kind of nesting I need to do.  Downloading Tiles as I 
  write this.  Thanks for the pointers.

Eric Rizzo, Software Engineer
OpenNetwork Technologies
I embrace my personality flaws, for without them
I might have no personality at all.

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