   well i am facing the same issues as you, although my form, classes and all are 
slightly larger than yours.  I am running on a 600MHz/256RAm for development and a 
fairly fast HP server with Weblogic 6.1 for deployment.

The truth is, have you tried running your app on Internet Explorer (5.5)?  There is a 
day and night difference!!!  My 18 seconds display time on Netscape gets reduced to a 
blink of an eye on IE.  There is not much difference when running my app on either 
platform with NetscaPE (4.7).  IE has been touted for having a strong caching 

So for me, clearly the browser is the bottleneck.  My (large) page invocations involve 
db access, validation, the full nine yards.

I tried using <%@ page buffer="80kb"> with no perf improvement on the PC.


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/09/01 04:48pm >>>

Hello all!

I have a web form with 16 <html:xxxx /> tags, all wrapped up in an 
<html:form> tag. The page is complex (~22k) and looking at the size of the 
java class created by jasper is ~280k while the compiled class is ~56k. The 
first time someone hits the page it's slow to render while jasper compiles 
the code (~2 minutes). BUT the page is still slow to render even after the 
initial compilation (~50 seconds).

The form works fine using ActionForm and Action subclasses but it's just... 
well... slow. =)

We are using struts template tags as well as several other internal tags that 
we developed. We are also using the Struts nightly build as we wanted to take 
advantage of the <html:messages /> tag. We also have a much smaller form with 
only 3 <html:xxxx /> tags, that page renders quickly (probably for obvious 

Is it worth our time going back to the released 1.0 version of struts to see 
if this problem goes away?
Any ideas how to solve this problem? 
Is this a jsp performance problem? 
A tomcat problem? 
A struts problem?

Thanks for your help!
  - John

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