I'm looking for an HTML to PDF tool that I can run Server-side from a
Servlet. It needs to take an HTML page and create a PDF.

I checked out HTMLDOC but I don't think the command line version is free.

Are there any others available for free?

-----Original Message-----
From: IZAGA,IGNACIO (HP-Germany,ex1) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 14 November 2001 12:01
Subject: ActionServlet return a pdf document


I am trying to generate a PDF document on the fly based on dynamic html
generation comming from BroadVision.

I am using a tool called HTMLDOC that can use as input parameter a html file
or a URL.

If i used this tool directly from the command line, 

htmldoc URL -f result.pdf

then, the pdf generation is fine, includig images.

But if i called this via an action, and i get the ouput of the tool and send
it to the response, the pdf result is not displayed if i used the image tag
in the HTML.

This is the java code for my action :

    Process process; 
    Runtime runtime; 
    java.io.InputStream input; 
    byte buffer []; // Buffer for output data    
    int bytes; // Number of bytes
    command = <the called to my tool with the options and the URL :
/opt/htmldoc http://www.myfile.jsp >

    runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
    process = runtime.exec(command);
    input = process.getInputStream();            
    buffer = new byte[8192];
    while ((bytes = input.read(buffer)) > 0)        
       outputStream.write(buffer, 0, bytes);   
    return (process.waitFor());

Any idea or suggestion ???

Thanks in advance




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