You can do this by just coding the link in with an HTML anchor tag as
<a href="<bean:write name="abcd" property
        <bean:write name="abcd" property="xyz"/>

or use an expression

<html:link href="<%=abcd.getXyz()%>">
        <bean:write name="abcd" property="xyz"/>

-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Breeds [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 11:03 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: html:link href to external URL in a 


This may be in the FAQ/archive but I can't find it!

If I have a dynamically generated external URL available in the
request/session object, e.g. "";, how do I write a
<html:link href> tag such that the link takes the user to that external
URL? (Without using scriptlets?)

I effectively want to do: <html:link href="<bean:write name="abcd" property
        <bean:write name="abcd" property="xyz"/>

but can't do nested tags.

How do I dynamically populate the content of the href attribute?

Help please!


Rob Breeds

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