
   I am trying to forward request from my Action class to a JSP (which is
configured for forward aciton in struts-config.xml).
   When i submit the page i see the action is fired but it is not forwarding
the request to specified JSP. since i could see no
   output on my browser . When i see my jsp_servlet folder the corresponding
class file for the forwarded JSP is not found.

   My app is running on Weblogic 6.1 server.

   I am wondering if someone could help me in figuring out of what is
happening !

   My Action Class follows

public final class ReferralLoginCompleteAction extends Action {
    public ActionForward perform(ActionMapping mapping,
         ReferralForm form,
         HttpServletRequest request,
         HttpServletResponse response)
                 throws IOException, ServletException {

        System.out.println("in ReferralLoginCompleteAction perform() ");
                if (form instanceof ReferralForm) {                     
                  ReferralForm theForm = (ReferralForm) form;
                  String dateReceived = theForm.getDateReceived();
                  String workerName =  theForm.getWorkerName();
                  String referralNumber =  theForm.getReferralNumber();

                  HttpSession session = request.getSession();

          System.out.println("before forwarding "+ dateReceived

                        request.setAttribute("dateReceived", dateReceived);
                        request.setAttribute("workerName", workerName);

                  return (mapping.findForward("referral"));
            return null;


  My struts-config.xml file is in \web-inf\conf directory.
  My classes are in \web-inf\classes  directory.

  My struts configuration follows

    <form-bean name="referralForm"

    <action    path="/loginComplete"
                <forward name="referral" path="/result.jsp" />

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