
  Since the perform method should take an ActionForm as its form parameter
and not an ReferralForm your perform is probably not called at all...
change the declaration and cast the form to a ReferralForm inside.

If you do get inteo the perform method, try to put in some more trace printouts
to see that you are not returning null or something like that.


At 17:58 2002-03-22 -0500, you wrote:

>    I am trying to forward request from my Action class to a JSP (which is
>configured for forward aciton in struts-config.xml).
>    When i submit the page i see the action is fired but it is not forwarding
>the request to specified JSP. since i could see no
>    output on my browser . When i see my jsp_servlet folder the corresponding
>class file for the forwarded JSP is not found.
>public final class ReferralLoginCompleteAction extends Action {
>     public ActionForward perform(ActionMapping mapping,
>          ReferralForm form,
>          HttpServletRequest request,
>          HttpServletResponse response)
>                 throws IOException, ServletException {

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