Gee, I had the exact same problem at my house this weekend. ;-)
The build for struts was trying to build tiles, but it looked like when
using relative paths for my struts build, the tiles build looked in the
wrong directories for supporting jars and puked. 
I changed one build.xml file and got one example to compile, then found
the setting to NOT build the webapps. Once I turned that off, I got
struts to compile, albeit without tiles.
I suspect that if you used absolute paths that it would work, and hope
that the next released build will work better with relative paths.
I may spend some more time this week to try and get it going...

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/13/02 09:11AM >>>

I've been trying to build tiles and am struggling a bit.

I downloaded and ran a build of 'jakarta-struts-1.1-b1-src' only to
that it doesn't automatically build tiles. When I finish building 
struts, I can see a contrib directory which contains a tiles 
subdirectory with the tiles source in it.

When I read the build.xml notes, it says make sure this file is in the

root of the struts-src directory.

This is going to override the existing struts build.xml - which is 
surely not what we want.

What is the best way to arrange things?

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