
I'm using Struts 1.0.2 with the NeXt package targeted for that particular
load.  I'm having a problem evaluating the page scope Integer bean that
should be created via the indexId attribute.

Inside an <html:form>, I have something like the following for handling odd
and even rows of a table differently:

<nested:iterate property="phoneNumbers" indexId="loop">
<bean:define id="mod2" value="<%= Integer.toString(loop.intValue() % 2)
<logic:equal name="mod2" value="0">
<!-- stuff for an even row goes here -->
<logic:notEqual name="mod2" value="0">
<!-- stuff for an odd row goes here -->

The above is from memory so please excuse any minor syntax errors.  When the
<bean:define/> line is processed, an error is generated indicating that
"loop" (our page scope Integer bean set by the nested:iterate tag) is not a
valid variable.  However, if I replace <nested:iterate/> with plain
<logic:iterate/> everything works fine.

Am I running into some sort of scoping issue when I use <nested:iterate/>?

Any help would be much appreciated.


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