Just had a play, and there's a bug in the tag's extra info class around 
the indexId.
Until then, set an "id" attribute also, and it should work.

Seems though the extension is troubled by its super class, and it's 
looking like a fix is required there also. Either way, I'll sort it out 
tonight (few hours from now), so you can download NeXt again tomorrow, 
and it'll be sweet. Actually, from looking at the code, it's a surprise 
that common <logic:iterate> tags aren't suffering from the same issue.


Steve Armstrong wrote:

>I'm using Struts 1.0.2 with the NeXt package targeted for that particular
>load.  I'm having a problem evaluating the page scope Integer bean that
>should be created via the indexId attribute.
>Inside an <html:form>, I have something like the following for handling odd
>and even rows of a table differently:
><nested:iterate property="phoneNumbers" indexId="loop">
><bean:define id="mod2" value="<%= Integer.toString(loop.intValue() % 2)
><logic:equal name="mod2" value="0">
><!-- stuff for an even row goes here -->
><logic:notEqual name="mod2" value="0">
><!-- stuff for an odd row goes here -->
>The above is from memory so please excuse any minor syntax errors.  When the
><bean:define/> line is processed, an error is generated indicating that
>"loop" (our page scope Integer bean set by the nested:iterate tag) is not a
>valid variable.  However, if I replace <nested:iterate/> with plain
><logic:iterate/> everything works fine.
>Am I running into some sort of scoping issue when I use <nested:iterate/>?
>Any help would be much appreciated.
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