> I have Traditional Chinese and English resource files in my web
> Everything worked fine at first. I could switch between these two
> without difficulties.
> But it was found that when there were certain Chinese characters in the
> Chinese resource file, error "Unmatched braces in the pattern" were shown.
> Once I removed those characters from the resource file, the jsp can be
> again without problems. I also tried putting the characters directly into
> the jsp, these characters can be displayed properly. Some of those problem
> characters are "µ{","²{" and "¹{".

This characters ISO-16 encoding looks to include ASCCI code for "{", that is
in a message the begining of a parametrized text (like "welcome Mr {0}")

Perhaps you could try to include this characters as ISO code
("\u0041" = 'A' for example) ?


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