hmm wouldn't there be nice to have something like:

  InfoMessages messages = new InfoMessages();
  messages.add(InfoMessages.GLOBAL_ERROR, new InfoMessage("trans.generic.read_ok"));
  saveMessages(request, messages);

then a tag that pics up whatever infomessages that are there:


should be easy to make and would work the same way as the html:error tag.



Ted Husted wrote:

>[since 1.1]
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: daniele rizzi 
>>Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2002 8:16 PM
>>To: Struts Users Mailing List
>>Subject: R: Do we have struts custom tag for success messages.
>>yep, there is:
>>a/ put this code somewhere in your Action.perform
>>--- begin
>>  ActionMessages messages = new ActionMessages();
>>  messages.add("statusTrans", new ActionMessage("trans.generic.read_ok"));
>>  saveMessages(request, messages);
>>  return mapping.findForward(dest);
>>--- end
>>b/ put this other in .jsp
>>--- begin
>>     <p class="StrMessageOk">
>>         <html:messages id="message" property="statusTrans" message="true">
>>              <bean:write name="message"/><br>
>>         </html:messages>
>>    </p>
>>--- end
>>that's should be enough to show the 'trans.generic_read.ok' message when
>>it's time.
>>bye, d.rizzi
>>-----Messaggio originale-----
>>Da: Harinath [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>Inviato: giovedì 23 maggio 2002 15.22
>>A: struts
>>Oggetto: Do we have struts custom tag for success messages.
>>As we have <html:errors/> for displaying error messages, do we have any
>>custom tag in struts for success messages ?
>>I need to display a success message to the user, when the request is
>>processed successfully by the Action class.
>-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY US
>-- Developing Java Web Applications with Struts
>-- Tel: +1 585 737-3463
>-- Web:
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