I think Rick is correct about your choice of IDE depending on your system.
If you have the resources, I emphatically support Netbeans.  It is
feature-rich, with many optional modules available via an automatic update
center, and many more unsupported ones out on the net that you can install
manually.  OptimalJ plugs in to it, as does refactorIT
(http://www.refactorit.com/).  You can get CVS support, code completing for
.java or .jsp files, remote debugging, Ant support, JUnit code skeleton
generators, and tons of other stuff.  Some guy actually wrote a plug-in for
it to allow you to control your music software (WinAmp on Windows and
another program for Linux, can't remember which) from within Netbeans
(useless for development, but amusing).

Netbeans projects are filesystem-oriented vs. project/class oriented IDEs
like Eclipse.  It's also open source and infinitely configurable.  It is,
however, a memory hog, and I wouldn't recommend using it unless you have
100MB or more of free memory to dedicate to it.  Have fun.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rick Reumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2002 8:27 AM
> To: Chiming Huang
> Subject: Re: Please recommend a IDE
> On Wednesday, June 5, 2002, 8:20:51 AM, Chiming wrote:
> CH> Can you please recommend a IDE for working on Tomcat 4.0.3 +
> CH> Struts 1.0.2 + Ant 1.4.1?
>     I vote for JEdit http://www.jedit.org/
>     and also I'm finding GEL pretty nice on a windows platform:
>     http://www.gexperts.com/
>     Both of the above editors are free and they do all that I need
>     (JEdit is more customizable with the plugins).
>     I like NetBeans also but don't need all the bloat it comes with on
>     a day to day basis. If you need an advanced editor that has code
>     insight (you know method completion after the '.') then go with
>     one of the lighter weight editors above vs using one of "the big
>     boys". With JEdit you can choose what you want to add .. need
>     debugging..add the plugin. etc. Of course if you have a 2GHZ
>     processor and over 550MB of RAM I guess it doesn't matter too much
>     what you choose. Play around. It's a nice work diversion trying
>     out new editors:)
> CH> ---------------------------------
> CH> Do You Yahoo!?
> CH> Sign-up for Video Highlights of 2002 FIFA World Cup
> --
> Rick
> "As the light changed from red to green to yellow and back to red
> again, I sat there thinking about life. Was it nothing more than a
> bunch of honking and yelling? Sometimes it seemed that way."
>   -Jack Handey
> --
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