Hello everyone,

I have a directory structure containing JSP files, in different languages,
and I want to manage them with a single Action.
For instance, let's take the Struts ForwardAction. How could this action
serve different JSP files without having to hardcode it inside
struts-config.xml ?
If my directory structure is doc_root/FR/ and doc_root/US/, each directory
containing my Home Page home.jsp, how can I write a single Action in my
struts-config.xml to deal with both files ?
I thought I could write something like
http://www.xxx.com/FR/myForwardAction.do ; since the mapping I made is on
the extension, the servlet is rightly called but no Action is selected. Why
is there no match ?
The attribute path of the action tag in struts-config.xml is said to be the
"application-relative path of the submitted request" : in which way is it
relative ?
Thanks for any help, I think I am getting very much confused.

Olivier Schmeltzer


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