Hello again Mete, ;-)

I like this stuff. It's like a puzzle.

> Basically I made my welcome-page a dummy page that
> redirects the request to /login.do. I made /login.do a
> protected resource and what is ironic is that I made
> my home page the "login page" !! (in <login-config>).
> This kinda turns container-managed authentication on
> its head since the protected page becomes the login
> action while the login page becomes the homepage. But
> surprisingly it seems to work. So when the user goes
> to the page, after a redirect they arrive at the home
> page. On the home page, they can either fill in the
> login form and submit, or click on any one of the
> other links in which case the authentication process
> is dropped and the user is let go to other unprotected
> pages. While this may seem like another big mess, it
> satisfies the container since the form-based
> authentication is done normally.

That is a clever setup, but I don't think it will work quite as intended
under certain circumstances. When someone follows a link into the site and
then tries to login, they will run into trouble. For instance, say Joe sends
a link to /deep/in/site/somethingCool.do to his friend Ann. Ann follows the
link and browses around for a while, and then decides to login. She enters
her username and password and submits the login form in the page margin.
Bang! Server error. Actually, on WebLogic, she will be taken the home page
(or get a 404 error, depending on where she is in the site) without getting
authenticated. On Tomcat, she'll get a server error. The problem is that the
server received a j_security_check submittal before it sent the user to the
login page. You might take the position that everyone should enter through
the home page, but in reality this problem will pop up even for people that
bookmark the home page (/index.do, for instance) and go to the site via the
bookmark, or follow a link from a Google search results page. And the web
loses much of its value if you can't link to pages within the site, even for
intranet apps or web apps where you might want to send URLs to your
co-workers or employees via email.

You might be able to partially fix this behavior with some more trickery:
1. put something in the user's session if they visit the site home page
2. on every page (including the home page), check for the presence of the
"home page marker" described above, if it isn't there put the current URL in
the session and redirect them to the /login.do page, which will force the
container security to jump in and redirect them to the home page (which is
configured as the login page)...
3. in the home page, set the marker as usual but also check for a URL in the
session, and if it is there remove the URL from the session and redirect
them back to that URL

The only bad effects you'll up (that I can think of) with this are:
1. there will be some delay from the redirecting when users first try to
follow a link into the site
2. they will always end up at the home page (after being redirected there
from /login.do) after logging in

You can probably fix #2 by with even more trickery if you are feeling
particularly industrious.

If you can live with a short-term compromise of having a login link on every
page rather than a login form, the first design I sent out should work for
that. I have written a security filter that allows you to submit a login
form without having been forced to the form. You then just configure the
filter with a URL to dump users to after they authenticate themselves.
Perhaps I should allow you to optionally configure the filter to remember
where you submitted the form from and return you there upon successful
authentication (a task for version 1.1). Anyway, I am in the process of
preparing it for release (i.e. it works and I'm cleaning it up).


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