
Definitely. I'll be working on it next week (vacation, woo hoo! ;-) and hope
to have a release version ready by the beginning of August. I'll post a link
when it is ready.

I plan to release the source code, and I'd also like to provide a binary
version that you can easily drop into an app to replace container-manager
security (just move your security constraints out of web.xml and into a new
file, and provide a very simple realm implementation). A nice feature of
this approach is that you can deploy your whole app, including the realm
implementation (which often depends on other parts of your code), as a
single war file with no external dependencies. This packaging consideration
is what drove the development intitially.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Struts Newsgroup" <@[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2002 1:40 AM
Subject: Re: Struts/Container-Managed Authentication Question

> Subject: Re: Struts/Container-Managed Authentication Question
> From: Torgeir Veimo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  ===
> Max Cooper wrote:
> > If you can live with a short-term compromise of having a login link on
> > page rather than a login form, the first design I sent out should work
> > that. I have written a security filter that allows you to submit a login
> > form without having been forced to the form. You then just configure the
> > filter with a URL to dump users to after they authenticate themselves.
> > Perhaps I should allow you to optionally configure the filter to
> > where you submitted the form from and return you there upon successful
> > authentication (a task for version 1.1). Anyway, I am in the process of
> > preparing it for release (i.e. it works and I'm cleaning it up).
> Will you post the source (or a link) in this forum to that filter?
> --
> -Torgeir
> --
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