Suppose you wanted to have an entry screen, then a confirmation screen.
The entry screen could have one field (email address) for example.  In 
my jsp, I'll use <html:text property="email> to accomplish this.

The user enters an email address and submits the form.  I want the 
Action to then forward the request to a confirmation page.  On that 
page, I want to just write out the email address they entered.  I could 
use <html:text property="email" disabled="true"> to put a disabled text 
box, and struts would fill in the value of the email address.  But, what 
if you want to just put out the email address in plain text?

Is there an easy way to do this?  I managed to accomplish this by 
creating my own tag <custom:text property="email">.  I created a custom 
TextTag class that extends BaseInputTag, looks up the property and 
writes it out.  This works, but it seems like there should be a better 
way of doing this.  Is there a better way?  How have others approached 
this problem?


-- Dave

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