Try using <bean:write name="{your form name}" property="email"/>

Later, ajTreece

David Wood wrote:

> Suppose you wanted to have an entry screen, then a confirmation screen.
> The entry screen could have one field (email address) for example.  In 
> my jsp, I'll use <html:text property="email> to accomplish this.
> The user enters an email address and submits the form.  I want the 
> Action to then forward the request to a confirmation page.  On that 
> page, I want to just write out the email address they entered.  I could 
> use <html:text property="email" disabled="true"> to put a disabled text 
> box, and struts would fill in the value of the email address.  But, what 
> if you want to just put out the email address in plain text?
> Is there an easy way to do this?  I managed to accomplish this by 
> creating my own tag <custom:text property="email">.  I created a custom 
> TextTag class that extends BaseInputTag, looks up the property and 
> writes it out.  This works, but it seems like there should be a better 
> way of doing this.  Is there a better way?  How have others approached 
> this problem?
> -- Dave
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