That's it!  It's got to be!  Yes - you must always specify 
dynamic="true" for these dynamic forms! :-)  Bleh - please post things 
in a "nicer" format next time you have to post things.  Some of us are 
spoiled to well-formatted configs and just can't read jumbled up messes 
very well.


>Depending on which version of Struts you are using, you might need to set the dynamic 
>attribute to true like this:
>  dynamic="true"
>  name="createStandortForm"
>  type="org.apache.struts.validator.DynaValidatorActionForm">
><!-- Form Property stuff here -->
>I can't remember off the top of my head whether you needed to do this for the 
>DynaValidatorActionForm. I know that this has been changed so the framework can now 
>induce whether the class in the type attribute is a subclass of DynaActionForm, but 
>it hasn't always been that way.
>If you using the latest nightly and this problem still happens, then this is probably 
>not it. If you are using an older version of 1.1b (maybe a couple of weeks old), then 
>try adding this attribute or getting the latest version.

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