Yes. I've checked repeatedly and all the validations are there. Again, 
the validations *are* being performed. In fact, if I print the number of 
errors, the plugin seems to be catching the errors properly. Even 
stranger, if I post the form w/o any errors (the form has been filled 
out correctly) validation passes and control is *successfully* forwarded 
to the confirmation page!! Still though, when there are errors, they're 
caught, but control never makes it back to the JSP. The process just 
dies. White. This leads me to the conclusion that there is either 
something wrong with the way I've configured the action, or this is a 
bug. Here's the action mapping again:

      <action    path="/registration/save"
        <forward name="failure"              path="/registration.jsp"/>
        <forward name="success"          path="/do/registration/confirm"/>

On a side note, I am using, and have configured in my xml file, custom 
validators to do two field comparisons, and to validate that a check box 
is checked. Again though, validation seems to be working so I don't 
think this is the problem. Here are the configurations anyway:

       <validator name="twofields"
          <javascript><![CDATA[ ]]>
       <validator name="checked"
          <javascript><![CDATA[ ]]>

Does anyone know what else changed from 1.1a to 1.1b that could be 
creating this problem??

Thanks for all the suggestions,


On Wednesday, August 21, 2002, at 11:17  AM, Richards, Devin N (Devin) 

> You have all of your validations in the XML?
> Have you tried adding the <html:javascript formName="yourForm"> to the 
> JSP page to see if the validation is working correctly? Once you have 
> this you can "view source" and see the validation code it generated. 
> This will show you if the validator plug-in is setup correctly and that 
> your XML is correct.
> BTW: we are most likely going to production on 1.1-b2
> Good luck.
> -Devin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andrew Shirk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 12:13 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: Losing my sanity: 1.1b & Validator problems
> Devin, thanks for further the further explanation. I replied to your
> previous email earlier this morning, but it seems to have been lost in
> the ether. Anyway, I also tried including super.validate() in my form
> bean, which confirmed that Validation is in fact being done. The mystery
> is why validation is being performed but control is never returned to
> the JSP. It simply dies. No error. Nothing. I didn't change anything in
> the code when moving to 1.1b, so am beginning to wonder if this is a bug
> of some sort.
> I've spent way too many hours trying to track down the problem and may
> have to just go back to 1.1a if I can't find a solution today.
> Thanks again for the help.
> Andrew
> On Wednesday, August 21, 2002, at 10:16  AM, Richards, Devin N (Devin)
> wrote:
>> I had some validation that was done in the validation.xml
>> (required/minlenght etc) and then I wanted to do some business rule
>> validation that I could not do in the XML. When I put the code into my
>> form bean's validate() method, I got all of the business validations,
>> but none of my basic required/minlenght validations that were done in
>> the XML. Once I added a call to super.validate() it picked them up.
>> Here is part of the struts-config.xml:
>>      <action
>>                      path="/rmaFormSubmit"
>>                      name="rmaForm"
>>                      type="com.lucent.portal.rma.RmaFormAction"
>>                      input="rmaFormDef"
>>                      scope="request"
>>                      parameter="submit"
>>                      validate="true">
>>              <forward name="continue" path="rmaAckDef" />
>>      </action>
>>      <plug-in className="org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugIn">
>>              <set-property property="pathnames"
>>                      value="/WEB-INF/validator-rules.xml,
>>                      /WEB-INF/validation.xml,
>>                      /WEB-INF/classes/com/lucent/portal/rma/RmaValidation.xml" />
>>      </plug-in>
>> The "rmaAckDef" as well as "rmaFormDef" are Tiles definations.
>> Here is part of RmaValidation.xml:
>>      <formset>
>>              <form name="rmaForm">
>>                      <field property="companyName" depends="required">
>>                              <arg0 key="label.companyName" />
>>                      </field>
>>                      <field property="firstName" depends="required">
>>                              <arg0 key="label.firstName" />
>>                      </field>
>>      </formset>
>> For these validations I use the <html:javascript> tag in the form JSP
>> to catch all normal validations before submit.
>> Here is part of the (extends ValidatorForm):
>>      public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping,
>> HttpServletRequest request)
>>      {
>>              //
>>              // Do validations from XML
>>              ActionErrors errors = super.validate(mapping, request);
>>              //
>>              // Extended validation checking
>>              if(this.isDoa())
>>                      if(!checkDosOrderNumber())
>>                              errors.add("dosOrderNumber", new
>> ActionError("rma.errors.form.dosOrderNumber"));              
>>              return errors;
>>      }
>> In order to get the validatios from RmaValidation.xml I had to put the
>> call to super.validate().
>> HTH
>> -Devin
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Ralf Lorenz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 10:21 AM
>> To: Struts Users Mailing List
>> Subject: Re: Losing my sanity: 1.1b & Validator problems
>> Devin,
>> can you please explain that a little further? The problem that Andrew
>> describes sounds familiar to me.
>> I started using struts1.1b with validator and everything worked fine,
>> just
>> using a DynaValidatorForm.
>> But then when I introduced Tiles to my application the validation 
>> didn't
>> take place. Although the
>> ValidatorPlugIn was loaded and there was no Exception ( looking into 
>> the
>> logs). It's just that
>> it don't happen.
>> I don't know what you mean by putting a super.validate() as the first
>> line
>> ... because I just use
>> given validation-rules (required, minlength ...) and some
>> DynaValidatorForms.
>> Any help on that ;-?
>> Ralf
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Richards, Devin N (Devin)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 3:19 PM
>> Subject: RE: Losing my sanity: 1.1b & Validator problems
>>> I noticed that when I went to 1.1b2 I had to insert a call to
>> super.validate() as the first line in my validate() code to pick up all
>> of
>> the validations I set in my validation.xml file.
>>> -Devin
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Andrew Shirk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>> Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2002 8:09 PM
>>> To: Struts Users Mailing List
>>> Subject: Losing my sanity: 1.1b & Validator problems
>>> I upgraded to Struts 1.1b last week (and to Tomcat 4.1.9 - which is
>>> great great stuff) and everything seemed to go fine. However, today, I
>>> was demonstrating my app to a friend when I noticed Validator
>>> validations were not being performed. I checked the logs and the
>>> validation configuration files are being loaded just fine, but still 
>>> no
>>> validation errors were being caught. I also noticed in the archives
>>> mention of a change in the way the plugin is configured in struts-
>>> config.xml. I made the change in my struts-config.xml thinking that
>>> must
>>> have been the problem, but alas, things got worse! Now, when the
>>> ValidatorForm is posted to the server, nothing happens at all! After
>>> about 10 seconds of processing, the browser seems to receive an empty
>>> response. A blank document is all that's received. I checked the logs,
>>> and no exceptions are being thrown. I have checked everything I can
>>> think of 4 or 5 times, and don't know what else to do. This worked
>>> perfectly in 1.1a.
>>> Please help if you have any ideas.
>>> Thanks very much,
>>> Andrew
>>> registrationForm extends ValidatorForm
>>>      <action    path="/registration/save"
>>>                 type="com.myapp.action.RegistrationAction"
>>>                 name="registrationForm"
>>>             validate="true"
>>>            parameter="save"
>>>                scope="request"
>>>                input="/registration.jsp">
>>>        <forward name="failure"              path="/registration.jsp"/>
>>>        <forward name="success"
>>> path="/do/registration/confirm"/>
>>>      </action>
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