Out of curiosity, what version of Together are you using?  I've seen the
product, but the version that was demo'd for us a while back was way to
expensive for a small shop like ours to afford.

We are using Eclipse 2.0.1 with the Struts plugin and several additional
plugins for JSP, EJB, XML, and HTML development.  We also have a copy of
Dreamweaver MX and FlashMX, so on occasion, we will design HTML templates to
convert to JSP templates/pages and/or flash graphics inside of the
Macromedia Suite.  Although Dreamweaver MX does support JSP development,
it's not that great of a JSP development environment.  We prefer to stick
with Eclipse 2.0.1 unless we need to create or tweak a very "involved" JSP
that was derived from an HTML template.

If you need a list of plugins and the web links to find them for Eclipse,
let me know.  Eclipse is free, and so are all the plugins we are using.  

Celeste Haseltine, PE
MTL, Inc
Dallas, TX

-----Original Message-----
From: McLure, David [mailto:David.McLure@;fmr.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 12:57 PM
To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'; 'Steven Headley'
Subject: RE: Any Web Development Environments that incorporate Struts?

I use Together by TogetherSoft.  You can download a free evaluation copy at
http://www.togethersoft.com.  I have been using Together to design, as well
as compile, debug, test, and deploy (to it's own bundled Tomcat instance)
Struts-based web applications for nearly a year now.  We use the product at
work at Fidelity Investments, and I like it so much, I use it as my own
personal development tool at home as well.

Not only is Togethersoft an awesome product, but the company has an
excellent staff.  One TogetherSoft support rep named James Banks assembled
an on-line tutorial on how to setup Together to build and deploy the Struts
example web application.  I have been tweaking it fixing a few bugs and
adding a workaround or two and I have posted the current tutorial on my web
site: http://www.mclures.net (just click on the "Struts Info" link, or type
in the full URL of


Dave McLure
Internet Technology Group
Fidelity e-Business (FeB) Company
Fidelity Investments
pager: (800)759-8888 pin:1257875

-----Original Message-----
From: Steven Headley [mailto:sheadley@;swbell.net]
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 9:46 AM
Subject: Any Web Development Environments that incorporate Struts?

Hello All,
    I have started a web development project and want to incorporate struts
into the plan. I want to be able to use MVC to separate the programmers from
the web designers. Are their any packages avaiable that will allow the
designers the ability to manipulate screens like coldfusion, dreamweaver,
etc which incorporate struts? Curently My designers must work with the html
to move struts code to around. What alternative do I have?

Steven H.

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