If you mean that you are using <input type="reset" ..> or <html:reset>, and this is 
the button you are clicking, then there is no request being made to the server.  The 
reset button is client-side;  the browser just resets the form to whatever the values 
were at the time the form was last submitted.  That's why they "magically" return. :)

The reset() method in your ActionForm is *only* called when you do a submit to an 
action URL that uses this ActionForm.  The reset *button* in html forms doesn't do a 
submit.  So, if you want your reset() method to be invoked, you need another 
mini-form, which only contains a submit button (you can label it reset, clear, or 
whatever) and maybe a hidden value or something to instruct your action to not do 
anything (i.e., action=reset).  In your action, just check for this value in the form 
or request, and do nothing.  The reset method in your form will already have been 

Note:  Do NOT use another submit button in the same html form as the one containing 
your entry fields (use a separate form), as the values they contain will be 
submitted....and since Struts calls the reset() method *before* populating your form, 
the form will still get populated with the 'old' values, negating the effects of your 
reset logic.

hope this helps,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Anthony Mutiso 2 [mailto:anm1@;utilitynet.net]
> Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 4:34 PM
> Subject: *reset* why is it not being called
> I have a form that on succesful submission loops back to the 
> same page but
> more data is displayed at the bottom of the page. 
> My problem is that the reset button in the form only clears 
> the form to the
> data that was in the form after the last submit. So every 
> time I submit, if
> I press reset nothing appears to work. If clear the form 
> manually and press
> reset, my old values from my last submit magically return. 
> How to I correct this problem. config looks something like:
>    <action path="/search"
>            type="Test.SearchAction"
>            name="searchForm"
>            scope="request"
>            validate="true"
>            input="/search.jsp">
>       <set-property property="loginRequired" value="false"/>
>       <forward name="success" path="/search.jsp"/>
>       <forward name="failure" path="/search.jsp"/>
>    </action>
> and I have a "   <forward name="search" path="/search.do"/>" 
> in my global
> forwards.
> My form is "<html:form action="/search" focus="value" >".
> and my reset function has clears my form, and has log 
> messages that I only
> see when the application start. Any pushing of the reset 
> button does not
> result in any new log entries.
> What gives?
> Thanks
> Anthony
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