Just got back on the list again... man is it busy here....
hey... about the command pattern that appears to be disappearing from the Action 
class... do we roll our own now just using Action as a base class?
I really like that combined execute and perform functionality... so that I can weed 
out common (background) functionality between Action classes and keep the size of the 
individual Action subclasses down to a minimum... and also perhaps put common 
initialization in an init() method (which is in the execute method just above the 
execution of the perform)
So... judging from the deprecation that I now (guess its been there for a while but 
just haven't looked) find in the Action class there will be a day when the perform 
method is GONE! Also, the example Actions now (BTW when did this change) override the 
execute not the perform. Are command patterns then considered part of the business 
... if so, then I am confused since I have always considered the Action classes 
borderline business logic since they basically hold the steps of a transaction.
-Tony ( I think the really cool people now hang out in the Commons user group)

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