In my form I have a field "city" that the user selects from a drop down list.  The 
city dropdown is initially setup to have one option that cues the user to select a 
county first (-1, select county first).  After the user selects a county the options 
list for city is then set to a javascript array of cities that are in the selected 

After registering the user can edit his/her profile.  I'm having no trouble getting 
the county from the db to the <html:select> tag, but the city tag is not working.  
When I call the javascript function that loads the cities I do get the correct cities 
(those corresponding to the county that came from the db).  I cannot however, set the 
correct value of the city field because the bean property "city" has already been 
overwritten by "-1".  

Is there anyway to capture the value of the bean before it is overwritten?

- Eric

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