Hi Guys,
i have a strange problem. Maybe you can help me. I would like to submit a
form when a select box value
has changed.Here is the code like i try it:

<html:form action="/updateCampaign?target=update" method="POST">
<html:select property="campaignName" onchange="document.submit()">
    <html:option value=""/>
    <html:options collection="campaignList" property="label"/>


I also trid javascript:{document.forms[0].submit()} etc. but nothing worked.
When i try this now on
a normal HTML form it works. But with the struts form i get the message.
Method not supported by object.

But i cannot imagine why this happens, cause javascript is executed on
client side and there the code
is the same.

So do you have any idea ??

Thx in advance

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