I know a lot developers are using Ed Hill's "Display" custom tag library.
About a week ago I sent Ed an e-mail asking him about the status of this
"very useful" library.  Unfortunately, I haven't received any type of
response.  I was wondering if anyone else might know the answers to my
questions.  Below is the e-mail I sent Ed.

Thanks in advance,



Hi Ed, 

   I was wondering what the latest status was of your
"Display" custom tag library was.  I noticed there
hasn't been any updates since version 0.8 in May 2002.
 More specifically:
1) Are you or anyone else working on any new features
for a next release?
2) Do you think your library will get added to Struts?
3) Are you considering the support of the "Expression
Language" found in JSTL?

I've heard lots of good things about your tags.  I'm
just trying to get a status update as my team explores
the possibility of using your library along side
Struts & JSTL custom tags.



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