Actually a lot has been done on this tag lately by Tim Golden (and I
added a little bit to allow you to add an array of columns to
display). Tim could post the link to where the latest jar he worked on
is. I don't have the link here but have it at home if he doesn't reply
to the list before tomorrow. Here is a list of some of the
functionality he has added:

>From a previous post to the list by Tim:

I have included a way to define:
1. paging.banner.prev_marker_left 
instead of the default  [ 
you can now use any string including html

2. paging.banner.prev_marker_right 
instead of the default  ]
you can now use any string including html

3. paging.banner.table.width
In case you want to have the generated html table tag set to something other
than 100% you can now specify the width as any string (ie 100 or 50%)

4. also I noticed that when you want to use the 
and include additional parameters (ie XYZ=bob&123=sally)

the taglib would append the ?page=2 to the end of your URI
like this:

I have put a test in to check if the URI contains a ? and change the ? to a &
somepage.jsp?XYZ=bob&123=sally&page=2 )

5. I have also removed the <th> and replaced them with <td> tags. 
Netscape 4.7 has a hard time using style sheets to override the alignment of the

On Thursday, January 9, 2003, 2:08:28 PM, John wrote:

HJ> I know a lot developers are using Ed Hill's "Display" custom tag
HJ> library. About a week ago I sent Ed an e-mail asking him about the
HJ> status of this "very useful" library.  Unfortunately, I haven't
HJ> received any type of response.  I was wondering if anyone else
HJ> might know the answers to my questions.  Below is the e-mail I
HJ> sent Ed.

HJ> Thanks in advance,


HJ> ------------------------------------------------------------

HJ> Hi Ed, 

HJ>    I was wondering what the latest status was of your
HJ> "Display" custom tag library was.  I noticed there
HJ> hasn't been any updates since version 0.8 in May 2002.
HJ>  More specifically:
HJ> 1) Are you or anyone else working on any new features
HJ> for a next release?
HJ> 2) Do you think your library will get added to Struts?
HJ> 3) Are you considering the support of the "Expression
HJ> Language" found in JSTL?

HJ> I've heard lots of good things about your tags.  I'm
HJ> just trying to get a status update as my team explores
HJ> the possibility of using your library along side
HJ> Struts & JSTL custom tags.

HJ> Thanks,


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