Not to quibble over trivialities, but SOAP is a transport independent payload 
and is not dependant on HTTPRequest and HTTPResponse. Axis supports this 
notion very well. How this would effect the integration of the two technologies, 
I can't say.

Will Etson
>>> "Mike Oliver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/17/03 10:31AM >>> 
There certainly are some bugaboos in the marriage of these two 
technologies (Axis/Struts) but I don't think them to be insurmountable. 

For example the dependency on the HTTPRequest and HTTPResponse, a SOAP 
Request is after all an HTTP request. So the problem becomes more the 
difference in the format of the input and output streams, eh? My hope 
is that we can find a fairly clear line of commonality and my gut feel 
is that the commonality line between the two entry points merge at the 
call to the RequestHandler, but perhaps it is one level below that with 
a SOAPRequestHandler that calls Actions and the Actions are common. 

Michael Oliver 
AppsAsPeers LLC 
7391 S. Bullrider Ave. 
Tucson, AZ 85747 

-----Original Message----- 
From: Joe Germuska [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 10:29 AM 
To: Struts Users Mailing List 
Subject: RE: Axis/SOAP proposal for Struts 

At 11:02 AM -0500 2003/01/17, Mark Galbreath wrote: 
>I actually AM doing this now, but I whole-heartedly agree that a 
>standardized Axis/SOAP interface to Struts would be very, very cool. 

At 9:54 AM -0700 2003/01/17, Mike Oliver wrote: 
>The nice thing would be to do it now, for 1.1 outside the current 
>stream, but get a dialog going so the work done for it can be used at 
>least for lessons learned when the effort for 2.0 begins. 


care to elaborate on the big picture design you're using? 


have you got a design vision? 

I have to admit that I'm having some trouble seeing how to fit it in 
to Struts 1.x when the actions depend on HTTP request and response, 
but then, I haven't spent much time thinking about it. 


Joe Germuska | "Big corporations here now believe we 
will have war. 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Believe all would welcome it as relief to 
suspense." | telegram to President McKinley, 25 March 

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