Mike is perfectly correct - the SOAP payload inside an HTTP packet is
effectively no different than HTML from the web application's perspective.
It's just another view.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bradley G Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 1:19 PM

I readily admit to being relatively new to struts and have only deployed 2
applications with it. I am just now designing a 3rd application that will
prototype a SOAP access layer into the business logic that is also accessed
via a Struts web layer.

To the extent that the Model is independent of how the View is implemented,
I agree with your points. I am not yet clear in my own mind that the Model
for a SOAP access point would be completely congruent with a Struts Model.

Mike Oliver argued:

I disagree.  MVC - A SOAP client requester is just another V, why wouldn't
you want to reuse the M and C?  I see very little difference between a SOAP
response and a Struts response in XML/XSLT.  I for one do not want more than
one set of Business Logic components on my Data Model, regardless of the
source of the Request.  I also see very little difference between a SOAP
Request with a serialized FormBean in it and an html form post, except of
course the format of the inputstream.  The content, which is what matters,
would be the same.

I would not modify the ActionServlet, but I would have an Axis/SOAP entry
point that did similar work and reused the Struts components alongside the
ActionServlet as an alternate entry point.  That means a request from either
a user on a web browser posting a form or doing a get would execute the same
RequestHandler, access the same Data Model and business logic and get a
response from a Forward that formed a SOAP Response instead of a web page.

Michael Oliver
AppsAsPeers LLC
7391 S. Bullrider Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85747

-----Original Message-----
From: Bradley G Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 9:46 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Axis/SOAP proposal for Struts

I have been thinking about it this off and on for a while. It seems to me
that SOAP (or xml-rpc or ...) would be another access point into the
business logic of the application that is a peer to the access point
provided by a Struts-based layer. The Struts-based components provide the
mechanism to deliver content to web browsers, the SOAP interface enables
content delivery from the business logic layer to other types of clients on
the network. I do not see the need to extend the ActionServlet to provide
this type of access.

Brad Smith

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