Quoting "Daniel H. F. e Silva" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi all,
>  I know that it is very possible that this subject was already discussed
> here, but i couldn't
> search on archives (why is this resource disabled?).
>  I'm beginning to design a software development process specification as a
> job task. It will
> include, for instance, a list of all tools, software, frameworks, etc,
> necessary to develop
> Web-based solutions in J2EE platform.
>  And after doing a lot of research, i've found that open-source world has two
> leading IDEs:
> Netbeans and Eclipse.
>  I'd like to hear about experiences with both of them. In my preliminary
> tests i guess it was
> difficult to work with Eclipse with focus on Web development. For instance,
> it doesn't have a cool
> JSP editor like Netbeans.

That's true, even tough refactoring features and plugins for struts code
generation outweight it.
Last week I checked out Intellij Idea and it has great jsp editing support like
struts tags completion, also it looks like it's more lightweight than Eclipse or

> I've tried an Eclipse plugin, but its features are
> inferior than
> Netbeans offered features.
>  But i liked Eclipse's plugins feature. And it has a better aproach to manage
> code quality than
> Netbeans.
>  So, opinions?

Eclipse is probably the best you can get for free.

> Best regards,
>  Daniel.
> PS: Sorry for possible language mistakes. English is not my native language.
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