That's not an opinion it's a fact. Netbeans is based on Swing which is slow as molasses. Check your OS's memory monitor to see the difference (about 30 MB). Click on a Netbeans menu and you can feel the unresponsiveness.


From: "Haseltine, Celeste" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [OT] Eclipse IDE
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 09:39:19 -0600


Eclipse is much faster than Netbeans, in my opinion, and is not as much of a
memory hog as Netbeans is. If you select the right plug-ins, Eclipse is an
excellent IDE for all J2EE development EXCEPT JSP pages. We use Eclipse
here for everything (EJB, Java Beans, servlets) BUT JSP development, and use
Macromedia Dreamweaver MX for the JSP development. Dreamweaver MX has the
ability to "pull in" external tag libraries into the IDE, and will enable
code completion for those tag libraries inside of it's IDE. So when I
incorporated the Struts logic, HTML, and bean tag libraries into
Dreamweaver, the code completion for those tags is enabled for our JSP
developers. HTML layout/design is also much simpler in Dreamweaver, as long
as you stay away from the wizards that are included in Dreamweaver (adds too
much extraneous code into the HTML).

Hopefully, the HTML and JSP development features of Eclipse will be improved


-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel H. F. e Silva [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2003 7:35 PM
Subject: [OT] Eclipse IDE

Hi all,
I know that it is very possible that this subject was already discussed
here, but i couldn't
search on archives (why is this resource disabled?).
I'm beginning to design a software development process specification as a
job task. It will
include, for instance, a list of all tools, software, frameworks, etc,
necessary to develop
Web-based solutions in J2EE platform.
And after doing a lot of research, i've found that open-source world has
two leading IDEs:
Netbeans and Eclipse.
I'd like to hear about experiences with both of them. In my preliminary
tests i guess it was
difficult to work with Eclipse with focus on Web development. For instance,
it doesn't have a cool
JSP editor like Netbeans. I've tried an Eclipse plugin, but its features are
inferior than
Netbeans offered features.
But i liked Eclipse's plugins feature. And it has a better aproach to
manage code quality than
So, opinions?

Best regards,

PS: Sorry for possible language mistakes. English is not my native language.

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