I think a complete rewrite is needed AND a new API (same tags but different
tag attributes).  Thus I would say an entirely new tag library.  I'll call
the new version display2 and the current one display1 for clarity below.

- Follow JSTL conventions for attribute names and support JSTL-EL.
(Actually make use of the JSTL Tag support classes).  This means JSP 1.2 is
baseline.  Assuming JSTL-EL capable attributes allows us to make a simpler
tag API.  Less attributes are needed.  For example we don't need the
Struts-like bean-name and bean-property attributes.

- Drop the sorting feature.  The user can provide this functionality by
making their column names links to actions which resort their list.  Or
their query form can have order by criteria.  The display1 taglib only
provides resort of contents in current page which I think is confusing to
users if there are multiple pages.

- The display2:table tag should work as an IterationTag.  The display1
doesn't therefore you cannot access a scripting variable for the current row
of the iteration.  You are forced to use Decorators.  This is non-standard
as per Struts or JSTL.  I vote for removing the Decorator functionality.

- The display2:column should allow optional body content.  If present its
output is used in the table cell.

A first stab at the API might look like this.

<display2:table [var="varName"] items="collection"
   [begin="begin"] [end="end"] [step="step"]
   [pageSize="pageSize"] [pageUrl="pageUrl"]
   body content

Where var, items, varStatus, begin, end, and step have the same meaning as
JSTL's c:forEach tag.
And pageSize and pageUrl have same meaning as in display1 taglib.
The display1 taglib generates HTML tags using CSS class names.  You can't
define what these names will be so in display2 the cssClassPrefix can be
used to prefix the auto generated CSS names.  A div tag around the entire
table works too so maybe this attribute isn't necessary?

<display2:column title="title" [value="value"]>
 body content

Title has the same meaning as in display1, except that it is mandatory.
Value is optional, but must be present if there is no body content.  The
evaluation of value goes in the contents of the cell.  The optional body
content is used in the cell if there is no value attribute or if the value
attribute results in null.

That's a first stab and it probably is missing stuff.  Maybe an escapeXml
attribute should be added to both tags?

Any thoughts on this?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Charles Brault [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 10:09 AM
> Subject: Re: The <display:*> tag library
> +1
> I've added support for Struts messages in column titles, glad to
> contribute it. Since I really depend on this library for a product I've
> developed, and need to fix some problems, make some additions, I'd be
> pleased to work with others on improving this great piece of code,
> perhaps be the "pumpkin keeper" if no one else will do it (although I'm
> reluctant to volunteer, as I haven't performed that role before, except
> as a gardner ;-)
> chaz
> --
> Charles E Brault
> "Where are we going, and why am I in this handbasket?"
> --
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