Per the documentation section

All that's required to install the struts tag libraries is to copy
struts.jar into your /WEB-INF/lib directory and reference the tags in
your code like this:

    <%@ taglib 
        prefix="html" %>

I know that this isn't quite correct, as a few weeks ago the -number
was dropped from the URI and it is just something like:


I've confirmed via the .tld file that this is in fact the URI that
should be used, but I started noticing yesterday that this isn't working.
I hadn't gotten back to that section of code for a little while, so the
problem might be a little older than that.  Anyway, the exact top from
the jsp file is:

<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
<%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="html" %>
<%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="bean" %>
<%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="logic" %>

and when I try to access this page, I'm getting the exception:

2003-01-30 14:25:43 StandardWrapperValve[jsp]: Servlet.service() for
servlet jsp threw exception org.apache.jasper.JasperException: This
absolute uri ( cannot be
resolved in either web.xml or the jar files deployed with this application

I'm using the nightly build from last night, and it was also happening
with the build from night before last.

Any ideas?



Kirby Vandivort                      Theoretical and Computational Biophysics 
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]          3051 Beckman Institute    University of Illinois
Phone: (217) 244-5711                405 N. Mathews Ave
Fax  : (217) 244-6078                Urbana, IL  61801, USA

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