Did you remember to extend ValidatorForm or ValidatorActionForm? 

On a side note, with the ValidatorForm, you also have to define an
input="/SomeAction.do" inside of your <action..> tag so struts knows where
to forward to if there is an error. The input can also refer to a jsp page
or a tiles def.

<action path="/HotelSave" type="hotel.HotelSaveAction" name="HotelForm"
validate="true" scope="request" input="hotelEdit">
     <forward name="hotelDisplay" path="hotelDisplay" redirect="false" />


> -----Original Message-----
> From: otisg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 3:16 PM
> Subject: Validator won't kick-in
> Hello,
> I am trying to use Commons Validator with
> Struts, but I can't get it to 'kick in'.  I
> am using the CVS HEAD version of Struts and
> Taglibs, and Validator I just built from CVS
> the other day.
> My Struts config has a 'loginForm' defined as:
>         <form-bean name="loginForm"
> type="org.apache.struts.validator.DynaValidatorForm">
>             <form-property name="username" 
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>             <form-property name="password" 
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>         </form-bean>
> The 2 Validator's files are defined properly
> in Struts config via <plugin>.
> IN Struts config I have /Login action tied
> to the loginForm form.  I also have
> validate="true" set in the action mapping
> (is this needed?).
> In my JSP that contains this loginForm I
> have action=/Login in the HTML form.  Fields
> are 'username' and 'password'.
> My validation.xml contains:
>         <form name="loginForm">
>             <field property="username"
> depends="required">
>                 <msg name="required"
> key="Required Called" resource="false"/>
>             </field>
>             <field property="password"
> depends="required">
>             </field>
>         </form>
> My Action class does not contain any code
> that calls form.validate(mapping, request).
>  I don't think this is needed - I think
> everything should work as defined
> declaratively in these files....automagically :)
> ...
> ...but it does not do that (for me) :(
> I've read Chapter 11 of Cavaness' book a few
> times and according to him what I described
> above should suffice.
> When I go to my login page with the login
> form and leave the username completely blank
> I expect to get an error...but I don't get it.
> One more thing that may be worth mentioning,
> my Action class has:
>         return mapping.findForward("success");
> And the JSP defined for this "success" contains:
>         <html:errors/>
> I expect this to show me Validator's errors.
> I get no application errors, all looks good,
> too good - I want to see that error about a
> missing required username field :)
> Thanks,
> Otis
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