> I appreciate you've had lots of replies already - but tiles 
> was the "killer" feature for us in selecting struts. Please don't 
> misunderstand that struts isn't great anyway - we love it - but 
> the addition of tiles has made developing complex websites a 
> breeze.
> There is a very outdated "first-cut" of one of our production 
> sites at:
>       http://www.mortgagesurgery.com/
> ... the full production version will be released very soon. 

Aiii! My eyes!

Seriously, good job. We're glad that Struts could be helpful. Amazing what a well 
designed framework will do for your enthusiasm in getting the job done.

> My personal view is (and I'm sure someone will disagree!) - with tiles
> available and so well-integrated into struts - you'd be 
> really missing-out
> by not using it - even for the simplest of sites.

I sure don't disagree. I'm doing a site for my wife -- a college prof -- in my spare 
time. It's a very simple site, maybe 10 - 12 pages total, but I'm using tiles for it 
because it makes life so much easier. Without it I would have an amalgamation of 
includes, and life would generally be much more difficult.

Tiles or death!

-= J

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