Hello all,

i'have a strange Exception in a JSP view.

This JSP include a lot of <logic:equal ...> testing tag (around 10).
This JSP raise a exception with this message :
        Illegal target jump or branch

When i delete one of the <logic:equal ...> or <logic:present ...>, i
works fine.

Is the number of testing tag like <logic:equal ...> or <logic:present
...> are limited in a JSP ?
How many number of testing tag i can use ?

I have another question

I generate a <html:form ...> in a JSP that contains a random number of
text field. Here's the sample :

<html:form ...>
<logic:iterate id="price" name="productPriceList" scope="request"
        <html:text property="price" value="price.price"/>

How i can connect a FormAction on the form (with a ArrayList for values
of textfield) ?

Thanks for help
Best regards
Jean-Baptiste Onofré (Nanthrax)
Membre fondateur de phpFR.org
Membre fondateur du LUG Béziers

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