
It's sweet to see it's working.

Regarding the <html:form> v <nested:form>, there is a difference in that the
nested variant is putting the reference into the request and all the child
tags pick up directly. The <html:form> on the other hand, the child nesting
tags are looking for the reference in the request, not finding it, and then
attempting to walk the tag hierarchy to find a <html:form> tag to get the
bean/reference from.

The old tags did the tree walking thing for everything, but now they're only
doing it for backward compatibility, which seems to have failed. I think that
this could be the issue with the new tomcat. The tag hierarchy walking isn't
reliable, and the old nested tags relied on it. Definitely the easiest thing
to do is to simply use the <nested:form> tag.

I'll look again at nesting inside <html:form> for the various containers.


> Alrighty, I know how to make it crash (don't fret Arron, I don't believe
'tis a <nested> issue)
> When I went a-sleuthing I noticed that the usage in my real app is slightly
different from the two <nested:root> sections in my demo; instead, it is like
> <nested:root name="x">
>   <nested:write 
>     property="something-from-x"/>
> </nested:root>
> <html:form action="foo">
>   <nested:write 
>     property="something-from-the-form-bean"/>
> </html:form>
> When I plugged modified my demo app to use this format lo-and-behold it blew
> That's when I noticed that I was using an <html:form> and not a
<nested:form> which is what I needed for the stuff inside the form.  I changed
it to use <nested:form> and now both the demo and the real app are humming
mellifluously.  Woohoo!
> So, in summary, the above format will not work.  Haven't looked at the
innards of <nested:write> to see how it interprets things when it is inside an
> Sri
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Arron Bates [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 6:39 PM
> > To: Struts Users Mailing List
> > Subject: RE: [ANN?] New Nested Tags -or- Nesters, lend me 
> > your containers... 
> > 
> > 
> > You had me going there for a bit. Even made another test war 
> > to do exactly what your snippet prescribed, but as long as 
> > it's working.
> > 
> > Hope the other app turns out to be not my issue too... :P 
> > Waitin for the word...
> > 
> > Arron.
> > 
> > 
> > > Never mind...
> > > 
> > > I had updated the WEB-INF/lib of ap-1 and tested ap-2....
> > > 
> > > My test app works with the new nested jar in place.  However I am 
> > > still
> > having problems with the real application; I will take a 
> > closer look at it 'morrow and keep you posted.
> > > 
> > > Sri
> > 
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