Avid Nesters,
(you know who you are,
    no need to lie to yourself)

Tomcat 4.1.18 is now on the radar!...

The nested tags internals have been re-written primarily to fix the problem
with them not working in the new tomcat 4.1.18 jasper engine. It also allows
them to be a little more flexible (can define other tags in the nesting), but
more on that later...
For now, I need to know that they work on all your current nested apps which
are working. I've run my own tests, but according to feedback, some of you
guys have a different take on using the nested tags than I do, so I need your

It's also important for those of you using other containers, possibly never
intending to use tomcat, to try them out, as it is intended to get merged into
the Struts main line as soon as possible to help out those with the "can only
use released product woes", or just trying to get onto a faster JSP engine
that's free (gotta love the economics, but the new jasper engine does move.
The recursive tree app example now hums along akin to the speed of Resin. sweet).

To get the new classes, there's a jar at...

  ...just throw it into the WEB-INF/lib directory, your classloader should
pick them up before struts.jar. If not, delete the tags from struts.jar and
give it another bash.

Anyways, I'm really seeking your feedback on this update (email direct or to
the list, I'm not fussed). The source is in the Jar if you want to simply say
my code's badly formatted (which it isn't, but anyways :P )...

Thanks again, and happy nesting.


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