
The extra '[' ']' are there because you declare the apps attribute as a list. You should either declare it as a normal attribute (<put .../>), or use an index to peek up the appropriate element in the list (not supported by getAsString or get or insert, you should get the list and use a scriptlet).


Jean Mercier wrote:

Hi All,

I searched the archive and I have not found a solution to this problem. I
unfortunately am required to use frames so when I attempt to use putlist to
extend my tiles definition, I get
"/BrokerPortalWeb[/carosys/logon/logonApp.jsp]" when I would like to get
"/BrokerPortalWeb/carosys/logon/logonApp.jsp" is there a way around this.

I submit my definition and results.

I've defined my tiles in tiles-config.xml

<definition name="layout.notree.frame"
        <put name="popupscript" value="/carosys/popupjs.jsp"
        <put name="banner" value="/carosys/cmon/cmonBanner.jsp"
direct="true" />
        <put name="navigation" value="/carosys/cmon/cmonBlankNvgt.jsp"
direct="true" />
        <put name="footer" value="/carosys/cmon/cmonFooter.jsp"
direct="true" />
        <putList name="apps" />
<definition name="logonFrame" extends="layout.notree.frame">
        <putList name="apps">
                <add value="/carosys/logon/logonApp.jsp"/>

and carosys/templateNoTreeFrame.jsp is defined as
<frameset rows="50,25, *,10" >
 <frame src="<%=request.getContextPath()%><tiles:getAsString name="banner"
/>" name="banner" >
 <frame src="<%=request.getContextPath()%><tiles:getAsString
name="navigation" />" name="navigation" >
 <frame src="<%=request.getContextPath()%><tiles:getAsString name="apps"
/>" name="apps" >
 <frame src="<%=request.getContextPath()%><tiles:getAsString name="footer"
/>" name="footer" >
When forward to logonFrame the following is rendered all except apps comes
back fine

<frameset rows="50,25, *,10" >
 <frame src="/BrokerPortalWeb/carosys/cmon/cmonBanner.jsp" name="banner" >
 <frame src="/BrokerPortalWeb/carosys/cmon/cmonBlankNvgt.jsp"
name="navigation" >
 <frame src="/BrokerPortalWeb[/carosys/logon/logonApp.jsp]" name="apps" >
 <frame src="/BrokerPortalWeb/carosys/cmon/cmonFooter.jsp" name="footer" >


Jean Mercier

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