Okay the problem was that copying the dynaproperties from a resultsetdynaclass prevented me from adding different datatype etc....

to get around this i created a new DyanPropery array and fed that to you basicdynaclass constrctor

ResultSetDynaClass rsdc = new ResultSetDynaClass(rs);
//Extract property names from resultset class and populate dyna properties array
DynaProperty props[] = rsdc.getDynaProperties();
for(int propInd = 0;propInd < props.length;propInd++) {
props[propInd] = new DynaProperty(props[propInd].getName());

BasicDynaClass bdcNew = new BasicDynaClass("bar",BasicDynaBean.class,props);
this lets you insert whatever type you like when it come to the sets..

cheers mark

Martedì, 4 mar 2003, alle 16:02 Europe/Rome, Mark Lowe ha scritto:

In fact over the last 3 days i've tried using



etc, etc... anything that looks vaguely possible i've tried.... I know that commons.beanutils is kinda green so i've been expecting > problems..

mutabledynaclass would theoretically work as well but i'd prefer to do things this way until the mutabledynaclass spec has solidifed...

cheers mark

Martedì, 4 mar 2003, alle 15:54 Europe/Rome, Mark Lowe ha scritto:

no sorry.. gosh that would be simple... :)

Martedì, 4 mar 2003, alle 15:50 Europe/Rome, Jose Gonzalez Gomez ha scritto:

This is a wild guess, but... are you using getProperty() instead of get( "property" ) ?

Mark Lowe wrote:


Sorry another dynabeans question

I'm getting NoSuchMethodException when i can see that the properties i wish to access are available (using the describes to produce a map and exstracting the names with the keySet() >>>> method....



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