I have an application that creates hundreds of jsp/struts form pages in xml
format.  All pages have the same input fields, except that there is a
varying number of checkbox fields.  I specified the following action:

    <!-- Validate item config -->
    <action    path="/itemConfig"
      <forward name="success"              path="/EmailOrder.jsp"/>

The problem is that there are many pages name itemConfig_X.jsp, but with
this setup it is constantly redirected to itemConfig_0.jsp when validation
fails.  I need to know how to make each page use itself for input.  I would
appreciate any advice.  This project is already running behind schedule, so
I need to resolve this problem quickly.

Thank you for your time,

Jason Long - CEO and Chief Software Engineer
Supernova Software - supernovasoftware.com
BS Physics, MS  Chemical Engineering

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