Have u tried sharing the drive as a network drive with permissions on it ??

then get the jsp developer to map the network to a drive on his computer

On Friday 21 March 2003 5:01 am, Dan Allen wrote:
> I am looking for some advice/articles on setting up my struts
> application so that all members of the team can all work with it.
> Let me first state my situation/dilemma and let you know what I am
> looking for.
> 1. I have a source tree (/home/me/src/struts/projects/project1)
> outside of the web folder (ie /var/tomcat/webapps) where I am
> coding.  When I change a source file I run `ant build` and `ant
> reload`, if I just change a web file, I run `ant update`.  All of
> these processes copy the files into the
> /var/tomcat4/webapps/project1 folder and change the state of the
> running application (if necessary)
> 2. My JSP developer, working on his own computer, copies down all
> the web files, modifies the ones he is working on and ftps them back
> to the source folder
> 3. I then have to run `ant update` to move the web files to the
> container.
> This is obviously not the way to do things, but we just got started
> using struts 2 weeks ago and haven't had a chance to organize
> things.  Now it is time to organize things.  I am running Eclipse
> and it makes it very easy to rebuild and restart the application or
> container, but I am not sure how to handle the case of multiple
> developers on mutiple computers.
> In short, how does the JSP developer update the web content and
> restart the application from a remote computer and still keep the
> files in sync with what I am working on?  I have CVS experience and
> I guess I could setup CVS, but that still doesn't handle the issue
> that the source repository is outside of the container and something
> needs to move the files into the container and possibly restart the
> applicaiton or container if necessary (if there is a change to
> struts-config.xml or tiles-definitions.xml).
> My JSP developer is coming from the viewpoint of just uploading a
> page and being able to access it, so this is all foreign to him.
> Since an action must proceed every page, it is necessary to restart
> the application each time a change to struts-config.xml is made.
> Plus, the JSP developer has to use struts-console (or edit by hand,
> prone to error) the struts-config.xml file.
> I am looking for a tutorial on setting up a team to run struts.
> Anyone, any info, please!
> Dan

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