>> seem to me the container should check the timestamp of the war
>> against the folder or something and if it is newer, redeploy it.
>> This also causes issues with files that were removed from the war,
>> which are now trash files and left in the deployed app.

One a container redeploys your war it will clean out the old deploy. So
unless your 'trash files' are still in the new war it will not get
Also if you are having struts-config management issues but dont want to use
xdoclet. It is possible to separate out the files on ur own. Just use XML
include statements within the master file to bring it all together. There's
are several article that talk about this (One by Chuck Cavaness is 'Seven
Lessons from the Trenches [Oct 30, 2002 - OnJava.com]).

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Trawick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 8:46 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: working with a team

We have a team of several jsp and ejb developers.  We all develop and unit
test with local instances of the application and communicate our changes via
CVS.  Only when we are ready for a release do we commit the latest to a
server.  We agree that several JSP developers working off the same
deployment is a Bad Thing, so we don't.

As for struts-config management, that too can be problematic.  We avoid
those issues as well by using XDoclet.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Dan Allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts-User List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 12:01 AM
Subject: working with a team

> I am looking for some advice/articles on setting up my struts
> application so that all members of the team can all work with it.
> Let me first state my situation/dilemma and let you know what I am
> looking for.
> 1. I have a source tree (/home/me/src/struts/projects/project1)
> outside of the web folder (ie /var/tomcat/webapps) where I am
> coding.  When I change a source file I run `ant build` and `ant
> reload`, if I just change a web file, I run `ant update`.  All of
> these processes copy the files into the
> /var/tomcat4/webapps/project1 folder and change the state of the
> running application (if necessary)
> 2. My JSP developer, working on his own computer, copies down all
> the web files, modifies the ones he is working on and ftps them back
> to the source folder
> 3. I then have to run `ant update` to move the web files to the
> container.
> This is obviously not the way to do things, but we just got started
> using struts 2 weeks ago and haven't had a chance to organize
> things.  Now it is time to organize things.  I am running Eclipse
> and it makes it very easy to rebuild and restart the application or
> container, but I am not sure how to handle the case of multiple
> developers on mutiple computers.
> In short, how does the JSP developer update the web content and
> restart the application from a remote computer and still keep the
> files in sync with what I am working on?  I have CVS experience and
> I guess I could setup CVS, but that still doesn't handle the issue
> that the source repository is outside of the container and something
> needs to move the files into the container and possibly restart the
> applicaiton or container if necessary (if there is a change to
> struts-config.xml or tiles-definitions.xml).
> My JSP developer is coming from the viewpoint of just uploading a
> page and being able to access it, so this is all foreign to him.
> Since an action must proceed every page, it is necessary to restart
> the application each time a change to struts-config.xml is made.
> Plus, the JSP developer has to use struts-console (or edit by hand,
> prone to error) the struts-config.xml file.
> I am looking for a tutorial on setting up a team to run struts.
> Anyone, any info, please!
> Dan
> --
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> Daniel Allen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> http://www.mojavelinux.com/
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> Windows is packaged with Solitaire (ooh)!
> Linux is distributed with Doom...
> you can have your deck of cards, I'll take a chainsaw!
>  -- Linus Torvalds
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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