I'm looking for some help on how to configure the Tiles and Validation
Plug-Ins.  A lot of the good books (Struts In Action, Programming Jakarta
Struts, etc.) and replies to the mailing list address these topics
independently, but not collectively.  In addition, I took a look at James
Holmes "Switching Modules" example, but that focuses on the different ways
to switch b/t modules, not on how to configure Modules with Tiles and the
Validation frameworks. 

For discussion purposes, let's assume I have following 3 modules (default,
modA, modB).  Here are my questions:

1) If I have a form bean definition used by all 3 modules, does it need to
be defined in each of the 3 struts-config files, or can I just declare it in
the default struts-config?

2) Does each modules' struts-config file need the following declaration to
use the Validation framework, or can I simply declare this once in the
config file for the default module?

  <plug-in className="org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugIn">
    <set-property property="pathnames" 

3) For Tile Definition config files, can all of these just be declared in
the default struts-config, or should they be declared in the module
struts-config they correspond to (assuming you've divided your Tile
definitions by module)?  For example:

  <plug-in className="org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesPlugin" >
    <set-property property="definitions-config"

4) Can I use the default module's application resource file for text common
across modules?  Therefore, preventing me from having to duplicate entries
across modules.  If so, this means Struts always looks in the particular
module's application resource first, then the default module.  But this
doesn't apply for form bean definitions or action mappings, correct?

5) Is the following an acceptable way to configure the application resource

 --- struts-config.xml (default) -------
 <message-resources parameter="Messages" 

 --- struts-config-modA.xml (default) -------
 <message-resources parameter="Messages-modA" 

 --- struts-config-modB.xml (default) -------
 <message-resources parameter="Messages-modB" 

Thanks in advance for your help,


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