
is this documented somewhere? ie which tags have / haven't been ported

James Norman wrote:
I'm pretty sure that the latest release of Struts includes a subset of
Struts tags that have been configured to support the EL Expression language.
This is the expression language that is built into JSTL.  I think that only
the Struts tags that don't have equivalents in the JSTL have been ported.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Nathan Coast" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 02, 2003 9:36 PM
Subject: struts tags vs jstl


I've used struts for a while now and figured I should probably look at
the jstl.  Theres certainly plenty of common ground to do with
programatic control (decisions and looping) and with
internationalisation.  I'm not sure sql tags in jsp are particularly
bright idea but anyway....

Does anyone have any thoughts on which bits are best to use from each of
the taglibs?  Also, is there any plan to make the struts tags support
the definition of the corresponding jstl tags?  The idea being that
you'd only have to learn one syntax to use both taglibs, whilst using
the struts tags would give you all the additional funcionality that
comes with struts.


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