Very nice - thanks! putting it to the test here now


On Wednesday, June 4, 2003, at 07:44 AM, Kris Schneider wrote:

Nope, your XSL should stay the same. The only functional difference of the code
I posted is that it doesn't do the "doc.trim().length() > 0" test. The JSTL
"empty" operator will test for an empty string, but it won't implicitly trim it

Quoting Jeff Kyser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

And none of the markup in the xsl file would have to change?
I must say, I do like the tag-based approach better than the
scriptlet. I just couldn't get past the problem using the xsl/xerces
libraries before.

thanks, might have to give that a shot :)


On Wednesday, June 4, 2003, at 07:21 AM, Kris Schneider wrote:

Perhaps JSTL can help make that a bit cleaner:

<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri=""; %>
<%@ taglib prefix="html"
uri=""; %>
<%@ taglib prefix="nested"
uri=""; %>
<%@ taglib prefix="x" uri=""; %>

<html:form action="/cart/ShoppingCartAction">
  <html:hidden property="method" value="process"/>
  <nested:define id="doc" property="xmlDoc" type="java.lang.String"/>
  <c:if test="${not empty doc}">
    <c:import var="xslt" url="/xsl/PrintShoppingCart.xsl"/>
    <x:transform xml="${doc}" xslt="${xslt}"/>

Quoting Jeff Kyser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Thanks Simon.

One of the first difficulties I encountered was with the xsl transform
itself. I posted this (below) earlier, and didn't get any bites. See
<EARLIER POST>...</EARLIER POST> below. I kept getting
handlePageException in PageContextImpl in later versions of
Tomcat/Resin and could only make the following work instead.
(It of course worked fine under Tomcat 4.1.10 and Struts 1.0 and
whatever else is in the production environment, but I needed to
And that (new stuff) started to look a lot like code that did not
belong on a JSP,
hence my question...


(what I have working now)

        <html:form action="/cart/ShoppingCartAction?method=process">
        <nested:define id="doc" property="xmlDoc" type="java.lang.String"/>

            String xslFile = getServletContext().getRealPath("") +
            if (doc != null && doc.trim().length() > 0) {
                TransformerFactory tFactory =
                Transformer transformer =
                    tFactory.newTransformer(new StreamSource(xslFile));
                transformer.transform(new StreamSource(new
new StreamResult(out));

Sorry, as I know this is off-topic, but been banging on
it most of the day and can't find much on the web either.

Have experienced the same basic problem on:

        Tomcat 4.1.24
        Resin 2.1.6,8,9

Can take an XML document, apply an XSL stylesheet to
it using command-line java tool:

        java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -IN foo.xml -XSL foo.xsl -OUT

that works great.

Now, I take the same libraries - xalan.jar, xml-apis.jar, put them in
my web app, and when I hit the jsp that does the same thing, I get:

----- Root Cause -----
javax.servlet.ServletException: org/apache/xalan/xslt/XSLTInputSource
org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.handlePageException(PageCo nt
org.apache.jsp.BrowseCatalog_jsp._jspService( 13

Now, from what I can tell, XSLTInputSource is deprecated from an
version of xalan.jar

So, I take the xalan.jar file from a Tomcat 4.1.10 install that *does*
work, and
I get another lovely exception, failing to find
(or something like that...)

Can't seem to isolate this.

anybody seen this, or have any suggestions?



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